India and her rich culture has always been a matter of interest and intrigue to people across the globe since long. While several scholars and connoisseurs in and out of India have carried out several studies in various aspects of Indian culture, it has not been without lack of credibility on several occasions. This has therefore quite often resulted in misinterpretations and has led to a large amount of ambiguity and confusion on several fronts.
The potentials of India and her people have to be restudied and rediscovered with a modern and scientific outlook. For this, it is very important to quarry and represent the annals of India’s past and heritage in front of her own people as well as the world.
The world is looking at India, with an unparalleled expectation that she and her spirit, with divine capacities will emerge as a preceptor on the global plane. The emergent potential of India and her people is seen by the imminent harmonious global order as an ideal and an epitome.
The seat of Jagatguru, which is being conferred on India and her people, has to be claimed by her in the right way and in consonance with global expectations. This moral position of India can only be asserted through a meticulous and ingenious engagement with her spirit and capacities.
Since the ages unknown, India and Indian man has been the truthful and novel contributor to the world and its cultures. The expressions of India’s prowess have always been with a genuine intention of contributing originally towards the creation of “Vishwasanskruti”.
“Krunvanto Vishwam Aryam” and “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” have been the core tenets of India’s physical and metaphysical aspirations and expressions.
Today, when the current ideological and material perspective seem to fail in providing answers to the apparent questions, it has generated a vacuum of thought on the world level, which if left unheeded will push the world towards further chaos.
Can the answers to these paralytic issues and trials be found in the core prowess of India and Indian Man? This is a question that we have to answer with not just a confident positive response but also with a scientific and truthful feedback.
The heart and mind of India’s past and spirit have to be opened up in front of her people as well as the world. The dialogue that will ensue, the studies that will result and the answers that will emerge will direct us towards a firm understanding of our role and responsibility towards the future of India as well as of the world.
Sanskriti Sanvardhan & Sanshodhan Pratishthan has been established with the view of taking Indian Culture or Bhartiya Sanskriti in a well-researched manner to the masses across the world. The intent is to take Indian culture to all age groups in a systematic manner through talks, discourses, lectures, educational courses, seminars, conferences, study tours, cultural events and creative activities. These can eventually be extended to comparative studies between various cultures.
Various domains of the past and of human life, in which India and her people were dynamically and constructively active and are relevant even today.
- Indian Philosophy– The philosophical doctrines and insights that were native to India, those that came to India and were moulded to synthetic forms, and the thought processes that went abroad conquering the world.
- Indian Polity– The political structures that emerged from the Indian soil, which proliferated in those times and which proved to be ideal modalities for the world.
- Indian Economy– The economic and financial structures, institutions, outlooks as well as movements that have and that can certainly give crucial inputs to the world.
- Indian arts and architecture– The artistic and architectural marvels that India and her people have inspired in distant lands from India proper as well as the marvels that stand on her own soil can be presented to trace the contributions that India has given to the world and imminent order.
- Indian Social Systems– Social institutions, movements, historical analysis of Indian Society till date, social organizations can be presented as a living symbiosis.
- Indian Literature– The literary genius that was shown in India and in her many languages, the literature that was honored and cherished by the whole world, the literary forms and approaches of Indian Culture that influenced the world and also the forms that were influenced by the world
- Indian Folk Culture– the core ingredients of the diverse folk cultures of India, their impact on our neighbors as well as distant cultures of world, various folk forms that came to India and were sown in the Indian soil and society
- Indian Sciences and technologies– material cultures in the fields of Indian Mathematics, astrology, metallurgy, logic, water management, town planning, agriculture, historical industrial acumen can be presented to give glimpses of India’s potential
- Indian man and his environment– The continuous relation of Indian man with his surrounding environment and geography, feedback to nature and all human efforts to identify oneself as an indivisible part of natural order of things.
- Indian Education systems– All the Indian education systems, universities, learning centers, scholarly endeavors, study traditions, acharya traditions can be exhibited to give a concise but definite knowledge of educations systems that emerged in our soil.
- Indian Aesthetics– The aesthetic perspective original to Indian soil and all its major expressions, discourses and theoretical frameworks of such aesthetical traditions can also be presented.
- India as a Land and Culture of Integration – India has been subject to many invasions as well as the migration of various communities, groups of people, guilds as well as the way of life that came to India from distant lands. India and her culture have been the epitome of harmonious assimilations and convergences between the ethnic and foreign. Greeks, Macedonians, Shakas, Hunas, Kushanas as well as various groups like Persians, Jews, African tribes like Afridis, ethnic Abyssinians, Arabs etc. and the hoards of Islamic invaders, and finally the Europeans. Indian culture has an undeniable element of composite creation. And this can be presented to people in a novel way.

- To take the core values and characteristics of Indian Culture and its areas such as Philosophy, Polity, Economy, Art and Architecture Social Systems, Literature, Folk Culture, Sciences and Technologies, Environmental Studies, Education systems, Aesthetics, Culture of harmony to the masses that can play a crucial role in present times.
- To project the role of Indian culture and its relevance in the 21st century.
- To create a network with institutions and academicians to broaden the horizons of research and reach.